Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Navy Cargo Handlers to deploy for tsunami work

The Navy is deploying its experts in cargo handling to help with the tsunami recovery effort as noted here.

(hat tip: IT3 at Phone Home)

Update: What the heck are Navy Cargo Handling Battalions? The answer is here:
A mobile logistics support unit capable of worldwide deployment in its entirety or in specialized detachments. It is organized, trained, and equipped to: a. load and off-load Navy and Marine Corps cargo carried in maritime prepositioning ships and merchant breakbulk or container ships in all environments; b. to operate an associated temporary ocean cargo terminal; c. load and offload Navy and Marine Corps cargo carried in military-controlled aircraft; d. to operate an associated expeditionary air cargo terminal.
Translation: experts at getting cargo off ships and airplanes and moving it through the right pathways.

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