

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Tsunami Aid over $2 Billion - UN needs planes, boats and trucks

CNN reports here that

Pledges of international financial support for countries devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunamis have reached $2 billion, Egeland said Saturday.

The new amount, which includes contributions from many countries and the World Bank, is larger than what was pledged following all of the other humanitarian emergencies worldwide in 2004, he said.

Egeland said the United Nations needs cargo airplanes, 100 boats, several hundred trucks, 10 fully equipped base camps with staff support for the aid personnel and water treatment units."

Really, it has taken them a week to figure this out?

Update: Deployed sailors contribute to Tsunami relief. And the UN guy had the nerve to use the word "stingy?"
Update2: More on 7th Fleet Support here (update: and here).
The Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit No. 6 from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, is set to join the humanitarian effort in Southern Asia Jan. 2 by sending 43 medical professionals into the area to administer a range of medical assistance, including disease assessment and treatment, water-quality and food-quality testing, mosquito and insect assessment, and chemical analysis.

U.S. Navy officials went on to say the Seventh Fleet is proud to be the first to provide U.S. naval logistical support to the tsunami victims of Indonesia, and has pledged continued support to humanitarian relieve efforts in Southern Asia with additional naval assets to enter the region soon.

Update: The Diplomad, UNimpressed by the UN swinging into "dynamic inaction"* strives for a new tone and ends up on a blue note.
*(A wonderful phrase from When in Doubt Mumble: A Bureaucrat's Handbook")

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