Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Syria gets warning- keep weapons in Syria or else

DEBKAfile says that Syria has acquired numbers of Kornet AT-14 anti-tank missiles and has also been warned by the U.S. that none should appear in Iraq or Syria may pay a price.
Syria had better make sure that none of the Kornet AT-14 anti-tank missiles which it recently purchased in large quantities from East Europe turn up in Iraq. US intelligence has recorded their serial numbers to identify their source. DEBKAfile’s military sources add: Because he cannot afford to buy advanced fighter planes and tanks, Assad purchased massive quantities of the “third generation” Kornet AT-14 anti-tank weapons.

Just in case any are found in Iraq, General Casey, commander of US forces in Iraq has already received orders from the commander-in-chief in the White House to pursue military action inside Syria according to his best military judgment.

...[this] therefore incorporates a tangible threat. The American general has the authority to launch military action against Syria as he sees fit and without delay if Damascus continues to meddle in Iraq’s affairs.

Unlike the safe havens provided to the North Vietnamese in Laos and Cambodia for so many years during the Vietnam War, the U.S. and Iraq probably will (and with justification) pursue weapon suppliers to the "insurgents" in Iraq. Syria is very much in danger of putting itself into play. Assad is treading a pretty narrow path.

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