

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Pirates Strike Again in Malacca Strait

According to the New Straits Times
Pirates armed with parang attacked and robbed a Singapore-registered tanker in the Straits of Malacca near here last night, escaping with an assortment of cash in foreign currency belonging to the crew.

The tanker Kyoseimaru was about eight kilometres off the Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) when 10 pirates wearing ski masks slipped aboard the vessel at 11.20pm.

The pirates, believed to be Indonesians, used a speedboat to get to the tanker.

They fled with US$5,000 (RM18,966) and the crew's handphones after tying up everyone on board.

A "parang" is a type of sword from the Borneo area.

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