

Friday, June 10, 2005

President Names VADM Redd (ret) as Head for New Counter-Terrorism Center

WAPO reports President Bush Names Director for New Counter-Terrorism Center
Redd, 60, was executive director of the Silberman-Robb presidential commission on U.S. intelligence failures in Iraq. He is a former commander of U.S. naval forces in the Middle East, served in the Navy for 36 years and was also the Pentagon's director of strategic plans and policy on the joint staff. He recently served as deputy administrator and chief operating officer of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad.

He once wrote an interesting piece on leadership
Leadership is the defining skill of a military officer. Intellect and education are important. Indeed, in our technological profession, they are prerequisites. But professional performance and progress depend fundamentally on how well you master the art and science of leadership.

There is a tendency to regard leadership primarily as an art form-we often speak of a person's "leadership style." But while style is important, it should not be confused with substance. There are, I believe, a basic set of principles which apply to leadership-whatever the leader's style or situation. These form the substance or "science" of leadership. What follows is one man's view of those leadership principles based on several decades of studying and applying God's word, the Bible. It reflects a belief that leaders are made, not born, and that substance is more important than style. The principles are presented in the acronym VECTOR, representing: Vision, Excellence, Character, Teamwork, Organization and Respect. It's an appropriate term, since vectors indicate both direction and strength.

Since he seems to hold some strong personal beliefs, he may find some resistance on the Hill...

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