Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Friday, July 29, 2005

Latest Office of Naval Intelligence World Wide Threat to Shipping Report (to 27 July 2005)

Go here and click on the date. Highlights (mostly Somalia):

2. SOMALIA: Tanker (CIELO DI MILANO) was fired upon 26 Jul
while underway approximately 85 miles off the east coast. Two
small boats attacked the vessel but the master increased speed and
evaded boarding (Italian Navy).
3. SOMALIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was fired upon 21
Jul at 1745 local time while underway in position 03:38N, 049:30E,
east coast of Somalia. Pirates, armed with guns, approached the
vessel in a blue and white-hulled speedboat that was approximately
8 to 10 meters in length. Master raised the alarm, crew mustered,
activated fire hoses, and fired one rocket flare. Pirates opened
fire with automatic weapons. Master increased speed, took evasive
maneuvers, and moved away from the Somali coast. Pirates abandoned
boarding due to rough weather (IMB).
4. SOMALIA: RORO vessel (JOLLY MARRONE) was fired upon
21 Jul at 1100 local time while underway in position 03:30N,
049:20E, east coast of Somalia. Six pirates, armed with guns,
opened fire from two boats in an attempt to board. Crew mustered
and ship increased speed. Pirates aborted boarding (IMB, Italian Navy).
5. SOMALIA: M/V (HANSEDUO) was fired upon 16 Jul at 1325
local time while underway in position 03:05N, 048:05E, east coast of
Somalia. Four pirates, armed with guns, fired upon the vessel from
a speedboat and tried to board at the starboard quarter. Ship
increased speed and took evasive maneuvers. Crew activated fire
hoses and fired rocket flares. After 15 minutes, pirates aborted
boarding attempt (IMB).
6. SOMALIA: M/V (PARANA) was fired upon 16 Jul at 1600
local time while underway in position 04:37.4N, 048:25.9E, east
coast of Somalia. Four pirates, wearing military fatigues and armed
with shoulder fired rockets and machine guns, opened fire upon the
vessel in an attempt to board. Vessel sustained some damage but was
able to avoid being boarded. No injuries to crew. Pirate vessel had a
white hull with black bulwark and a high powered engine (IMB).
7. SOMALIA: An unidentified container ship was fired upon
18 Jul at 0300 local time while underway in position 12:11N, 050:27E,
off Caluula, NE coast of Somalia. Six pirates in two boats, armed
with guns, fired upon the vessel in an attempt to board. Ship
increased speed and boats moved away. No damage to ship or injuries
to crew (IMB).
8. SOMALIA: An unidentified RORO was fired upon 17 Jul at
1830 local time while underway in position 12:09N, 050:52E, off
Caluula, NE coast of Somalia. Seven pirates in two boats, armed
with guns, fired upon the vessel in an attempt to board from the
stern. Ship increased speed and crew activated fire hoses. After
10 minutes, boats moved away. No damage to ship or injuries to
crew. Pirate boats were white and approximately 4m in length (IMB).
9. SOMALIA: The general cargo ship (SEMLOW) was hijacked
26 Jun while underway in position 04:47.6N, 048:12.0E, off Hobyo.
Hijackers are demanding $500,000 to free the vessel and ten
crewmen. The vessel was under charter of the UN World Food
Program (WFP) and is carrying 850 MT of rice, donated by Japan
and Germany, destined for Bossaso, Somalia. On 12 Jul, the UN WFP
director warned the pirates that if the vessel, crew, and cargo were
not released within 48 hours, then the WFP would blacklist the area
of Haradheere and Hobyo for the next 10 years. Mohamed Abdi
Hassan, the leader of the group holding the vessel, denied they
were demanding ransom but rather simply guarding the seas against
illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste, and impounded the vessel
because of improper documentation. ONI NOTE: This is likely the
same militia group responsible for the attempted boarding of M/V
(TIMBUCK) and successful hijacking of a LPG tanker back in April
(see 20 Apr ONI Worldwide Threat to Shipping report paragraphs 5.H.3
and 5.H.4). After 18 days of captivity, the LPG tanker and crew were
released unharmed upon receipt of ransom payment. All vessels
should heed the IMB warning to stay as far away as practical from the
eastern coast of Somalia, particularly in the area off Haradheere and

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