Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Support the University of North Dakota

Some sense in the NCAA team name/mascot issue from UND'sPresident. The entire letter is an excellent refutation of PC-ness run rampant and deserves a wide reading by people with some common sense.
(Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt). One good point in the letter for all of us in this democracy to remember when confronted with the PC bullies:
Yes, I know that in theory the NCAA is actually an association, and that UND is a member of it, and therefore it’s really we who are doing all of these things to ourselves, or failing to do all of these things ourselves. But is the NCAA really a democratic organization? Why did we not put these issues to a vote by all member schools??
Member schools (or citizens) actually vote on an issue? Why they might decide things in an "undemocratic" way!

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