Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Effect of Katrina on ...Pizza

The world wanted to know and the demand has been met here.

Of course, there is a Navy connection:
September 6, 2005: In the space of three days, two pizza companies and one small food brokerage organized a fund-raiser and supplies drive that filled the trailers of three semis and one 24-foot box truck.

According to Jim and Ann Reichle, co-owners of Angelina's Pizza in Olmsted Falls, Ohio, the big rigs arrived in Jacksonville, Fla., on Sept. 5, where their loads were transported to the U.S.S. Iwo Jima, a Navy warship headed for New Orleans today.

Thousands in cash were rounded up to pay for the trucks' fuel. Siler Chapman, owner of Ice Cream & Pizza Works in Fort Mill, S.C., presented the truck drivers with a $5,000 check made up of funds he solicited from donors.

A feature-length story on this remarkable event is forthcoming.

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