Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Refugees to Cruise Ship Transfer: Not Yet

Some Katrina displacees don't want to move quite yet onto the cruise ships rented for them as reported here:
A planned transfer of about 4,000 Hurricane Katrina victims to cruise ships in Galveston has been postponed.

A statement from the Unified Command running the shelters in and around the Houston Astrodome says those in the shelters don't want to move. In the words of Incident Commander Joe Leonard -- "The 'Dome is home for them."

Leonard says that some of those sheltered want to focus on finding loved ones. Others want more time to focus on their futures. And all said that another shift so soon after their move from the squalid Superdome in New Orleans to the Astrodome would be just another upset in their lives.

Leonard says that shelter officials are listening and giving their residents "more time to heal."
I guess the government is moving too fast...

My first post on refugee housing here.

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