

Thursday, September 08, 2005

USS Iwo Jima: The Medical Side

As set out here, the medical staff serving in USS Iwo Jima are not just treating hurricane and flood related health probems:
The surgeon, who arrived Tuesday, said he scrubbed up, headed to the operating room and proceeded with a thoracotomy – opening a patient’s chest to examine his heart and lungs. In this case, the patient also had a steak knife embedded in his chest.
Hmmm. Wounded storm victims are not the only ones benefiting from the relative comforts of the big Navy amphib
Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg who spent most of a week patrolling streets without hot food or showers got to enjoy some creature comforts on the amphibious assault ship, including air conditioning. On the ship’s mess deck, soldiers in camouflage ate alongside sailors in blue work clothes. Sheriff’s deputies who’d also pulled long shifts on the streets got their ailments examined by the Portsmouth detachment, called Casualty Receiving Treatment Ship 2.

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