Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Voice from California weighs in on something they know nothing about

Here's a "Hawaiian Good Luck Sign" to the California Santa Cruz Sentinel for a brainless denial of reality as set out in this editorial calling for a reconvening of the 9/11 Commission to investigate the Katrina response here:
We look forward to a full investigation of what went wrong, and why it took so long for help to arrive. We understand that there's nothing that the government can do to prevent suffering because of a natural disaster. But we
don't understand why the response was so slow.
There must have been a way to get water to thirsty people. There must have been a way to bring in food. There must have been a way to ship in portable toilets.
I refer the dodo who wrote the editorial to LTG Honore who has answered this "slow" question any number of times. As far as water, food and toilets, I suggest the writer think about who declared the Superdome as a "safe haven" and then think about who then could have stockpiled water and food there for the people who arrived (instead of telling them to bring their own) and who could have ordered up a couple of hundred port-o-lets to be placed around the building...You know, the sort of things most city governments do when hosting a festival or other public event.

I might also suggest that the author do some inquiry about how the Santa Cruz government plans to deal with the aftermath of the big earthquake that is bound to occur in and around Santa Cruz and find out whether they, too, expect immediate aid from FEMA and therefore have made no plans for a 48 to 72 hour delay...

Investigate that, chump.

By the way, the Katrina Commission ought to include some logistics and disaster experts instead of former politicians.

UPDATE; It seems, according to this,
About 26,000 people are taking refuge in the Superdome. “To help keep them fed and hydrated, the Louisiana National Guard delivered three truckloads of water and seven truckloads of MREs — short for “meals ready to eat.” That’s enough to supply 15,000 people for three days, according to Col. Jay Mayeaux, deputy director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Emergency Preparedness.
So, there was at least some food and water available to those who went to the right place...

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