

Thursday, October 27, 2005

DHS has some plans - for maritime security

This report (free subscription needed) says:
he Department of Homeland Security in collaboration with the Department of Defense and Department of State has announced the completion and final approval for eight plans supporting the National Strategy for Maritime Security.

These plans include: Maritime Commerce Security, Maritime Transportation Systems Security, Maritime Infrastructure Recovery, Maritime Operational Threat Response, Maritime Domain Awareness, Global Maritime Intelligence Integration, and Domestic and International Outreach...
...In remarks today, U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Thomas Collins, Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul McHale and U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Timothy Sullivan, the Senior Military Advisor to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, discussed today's complex maritime security environment, praising the Strategy and its supporting plans as an important first step to protect U.S. interests in the maritime domain. The three speakers stressed the importance of collaboration among the many government and private industry entities that have a stake in maritime security.

"The public and private sectors at all levels have important roles to play as we protect our interests in the maritime domain," Admiral Collins stated. "These plans build on the strategy of a layered defense as the government and private-sector improve their coordination during maritime incidents. Working together internationally and domestically, we will increase the transparency of people, cargo, conveyances and facilities operating in the maritime domain."

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