

Friday, October 21, 2005

Ukraine asks West for help to free ship seized by pirates

Ukraine asks for help with the Somali pirate problem as reported here
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry appealed to Britain, France, the United States and NATO to help free a ship and its crew seized by pirates on October 18 near the coast of Somalia, a Ukrainian diplomat said Friday...

...The cargo ship Panagia, sailing under the Liberian flag and carrying a 22-member Ukrainian crew, was hijacked this week 90 miles off the eastern coast of Somalia by Somali pirates while transporting coal from South Africa to Turkey.

I wonder if this vessel is the same one that was seized by Somali pirates in 2002 as reported here?

UPDATE: Thanks to Mudville Gazette's Dawn Patrol!
UPDATE2: In addition to the seized MV Pagania, the pirates seem to have capture another ship - the MV San Carlos as noted here. Initial report of Panagia capture here.

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