

Thursday, February 02, 2006

EU official: Be wary of the Strait of Malacca

One day its the Commander of the US Pacific Fleet, and the next it's the"anti-terrorism coordinator as reported here:
EU anti-terrorism coordinator Gijs de Vries says the Malacca Strait, the world's busiest shipping lane, is still vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

De Vries noted that the number of pirate attacks has declined in the strategic waterway, where more than half the world's oil and a third of its commerce passes annually. But he said the shipping lane is still a potential target for terrorists.

"The number of acts of piracy in the Straits has gone down significantly, which is testimony to the improvement in regional cooperation in that part of the world," he said. "But I think no one is under any illusion: the Straits are a potential target. And it is important therefore for regional cooperation to continue to be strengthened further."

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