Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Thursday, March 30, 2006

An odd case of ship arrest involving pirates, well, not pirates, but the US Navy and,well,...

An abandoned caro ship with a load of charcoal is under arrest in the Seychelles and there's a littel something odd going as reported here:
Circumstances surrounding the ship’s voyage have been shrouded in mystery since December last year, when normally reliable international news agencies first said it was attacked on high seas, but soon issued corrections saying that the ship’s captain, Deaa Abed Naseh, apparently panicked and thought his ship was under attack by pirates on high seas and called for help.

Marines from a U.S. Navy patrol warship reportedly came to the rescue of the Al Amara crew and were said to lock two suspects up on board the vessel.

Abed Naseh nevertheless later told Nation that the ship was attacked by representatives of the owners of the ship and of the cargo.

Sources who spoke to Nation on condition of anonymity said that the two sailors who left on Saturday were on board the vessel to guard the charcoal on the orders of the cargo’s owner.

Captain Abed Naseh has repeatedly talked of a major rift between him and the ship’s Iraqi owner, Saad Bahar.
It's all as clear as...

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