

Friday, April 14, 2006

More minehunting sonar for US Navy

Raytheon press release here:
As a component of the organic mine countermeasures family of systems and the primary mine hunting system to be integrated into the U.S. Navy's MH-60S airborne mine countermeasures helicopters, AN/AQS-20A enables the detection, classification and localization of bottom, close-tethered and volume mines.

AN/AQS-20A is also the primary mine hunting mission system for the Littoral Combat Ship Flight 0, where it will be towed by the AN/WLD-1 semi- submersible autonomous vehicle. This proven and highly capable system is towed undersea to scan the water in front and to the sides of the vehicle as well as the sea bottom for anti-shipping mines. The system uses sonar and electro- optical sensors to provide high-resolution images of mines and mine-like objects and high-precision location information.

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