

Friday, May 19, 2006

Russian ship to join NATO exercise

The Russian patrol ship Pytlivy will be joining a NATO anti-terrorist exercise in the Mediterranean it is reported here:
The fleetÂ’s press service told ITAR-TASS on Friday that five-day exercises of the Russian ship and BritainÂ’s frigate Nottingham would be held in preparation for joining NATOÂ’s anti-terrorist operation Active Endeavour.

Officers of a NATO mobile training group have come on the board of the Pytlivy for preparing the joint drill.

“The programme of the exercises includes joint manoeuvres, familiarisation with standard procedures and work with secret documents of NATO,” the press service said.

NATO communications equipment SEMARCOM will be installed on the Russian ship for this.

A group of officers from the Pytlivy will pay a coordination visit to the headquarters of the command of the South naval component of NATO allied military forces during a brief stop at the Naples port on Saturday.
Probably a good idea to invite the Russians, but still it seems odd somehow.

Cross posted at Milblogs.

UPDATE: Photo from NATO HQ South from last year's participation by Russian ship in a NATO exercise. Still seems odd, but perhaps the Cold Warrior in me is still breathing.

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