

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Latest ICC CCS Piracy report (to 29 May 2006)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services piracy report found here. Warning for Chittagong anchorage, Bangladesh
Twenty incidents have been reported since 28.01.2006. Pirates are targeting ships preparing to anchor. Ships are advised to take extra precautions.
Interesting report from the waters off Somalia:
22.05.2006 at 1815 LT in position: 01:57N-045:31E, 10.5nm SE of Mogadishu, Somalia.
D/O on a general cargo ship underway noticed a target at range of 1.5nm on radar. He alerted two armed security guards on board. At 1910 LT duty A/B spotted a speedboat approaching from stern. Pirates in the boat opened fire at the ship and security guards fired back. Boat stopped and moved away.
In another report it's news story when a humanitarian aid ship actually makes it to port in Somalia.

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