You remember the COugar Ace, the car carrierin distress off Alaska? Now, as reported here, things are looking better:
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. has reported that the MOL-operated car carrier Cougar Ace, which was disabled at sea, south of the Aleutian Islands on Monday, July 24, and is now moored at Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands, has been restored to a nearly upright position. This completely eliminated threat of submergence and the vessel is now moored safely.
Unified Command coverage here. Lots more photos there. From te latest incident report:
On Tuesday, August 15, 2006, the USCG Marine Safety Detachment (MSD) in Dutch Harbor reported that the Cougar Ace list is currently at 12 degrees and vessel stable. The owners, Mitsui OSK Lines, and Titan are conducting soundings of all tanks to verify the vessel stability in order for Titan, the contracted salvor, to return operation of the vessel to Mitsui OSK Lines.
The vessel’s emergency generator is on line and the service generator is being considered for placing back on line once Titan releases the ship back to the owners. The owners plan to clean transmission fluid and lubricants from all the car decks and containerize the recovered fluids for proper disposal. MSD personnel reported that most decks suffered vehicle damage and all vehicles must be re-secured. MSD also reported the water, sewage systems, fire main and low pressure CO2 systems are inoperable and will be evaluated for repairs by the owner.

Photo Credit: ADEC -- J. Brown
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