

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A critique of the US Navy's new Maritime Strategy

An analysis of the new US Maritime Stratgy from Sam Bateman of the Singapore-based Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies here:
...Admiral Michael Mullen, has recently announced a plan to develop a “maritime strategy for the 21st century.” He has foreshadowed that this will widen the Navy’s concept of sea power beyond its war-fighting role to include securing international shipping against piracy and maritime terrorism and using warships to deliver humanitarian aid. While previous maritime strategies have been based on unilateral sea control, the new strategy will have a strong cooperative flavor, recognizing the impact of globalization and common interests in safety and security upon the world’s oceans.
The author sees resistance from the US Army and Air Force as part of a competition for a limited pool of money and from other nations that may view the "cooperative" part as American Imperialism.

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