

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Latest ICC CCS Piracy Report (to 15 August 2006)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services Weekly Piracy Report (to 15 August 2006) found here. Highlights:
-12.08.2006 at 0830 LT in posn 24:59.4N - 059:16.1E, Gulf of Oman, Iran. 12 pirates in a boat approached a container ship underway. Pirates asked the ship to stop but master (took) evasive manoeuvres. Boat approached the ship and suddenly increased speed. Master raised alarm and crew mustered and activated fire hoses. After 15 mins pirates aborted attempt.

-11.08.2006 at 2255 LT at Manila south harbour anchorage, Philippines. Eight robbers armed with guns boarded a container ship. Alert cadet on forecastle sighted a boat near bulbous bow. Master raised alarm, blew ship's whistle and crew mustered. Robbers ransacked forward locker and escaped with ship's stores. VTIS Manila and coast guard informed.

-11.08.2006 at 1910 LT at Callao anchorage no. 12, Peru. Four robbers boarded a bulk carrier via hawse pipe and forced open bosun store. C/O raised alarm and alerted crew. Robbers escaped in their boat empty handed. Port authorities were informed.

-08.08.2006 at midnight off Niger Delta region, Nigeria. Pirates boarded a supply tug and kidnapped four crew members and took them ashore. Pirates are demanding a ransom for their release. Owners are negotiating.

-04.08.2006 at 2030 UTC at Teluk Semangka anchorage, Indonesia. Eight robbers armed with knives boarded a tanker. They entered engine room and tied up and assaulted two duty crewmembers. Robbers stole generator spares and escaped.

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