

Friday, August 25, 2006

Latest ONI Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report (to 8-23 -06)

Found here. Highlights:
1. BANGLADESH: A notorious pirate is killed and seven
police are injured in a pirate-police gunfight in Bhola, Bhola
15 Aug. The deceased was identified as Alauddin, 40, ringleader
of the infamous ‘Alauddin Bahini’. Police launched an operation
in the area around Monday midnight on a tip-off that Alauddin
Bahini was committing robbery on fishing-trawlers in the river off
Boyer Char. According to a police source, as soon as the police
team advanced to the area, some 30-35 pirates boarding a trawler
opened fire on them. Being attacked, the police fired back,
leading to a fierce fight. The source said around 200-250
gunshots were fired by the pirates, while the police fired 73
shots. Alauddin was wanted in 15 cases, including murder and
piracy (APU Newswire).
10. SOMALIA: ...As of 02 Aug, no vessels are reportedly being held
for ransom off the east central coast of Somalia. The militia
loyal to Afweyne, who operate out of the small central eastern
coastal Somali town of Xarardheere (aka Haradera), were likely
responsible for several other successful and attempted merchant
vessel hijackings off the central eastern coast of Somalia. No
attacks have been reported in this area since early April. The
current political climate in Somalia, as well as multinational
efforts to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia, may present
an environment in which perceived risks outweigh perceived gains
with regards to attempts to hijack merchant vessels for ransom
off the east central coast of Somali. However, the duration of
this current environment is unknown. Foreign flagged commercial
fishing vessels operating within the 200 NM exclusive economic
zone of Somalia will continue to be at high risk of attack by
disgruntled local fishermen or militia members (LL, AFP, ONI).

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