Good Company

Good Company
Good Company

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Piracy conviction for Somalis captured by U.S. Navy

Kenya does the right thing:
Ten Somalis have been found guilty of piracy and hijacking by a court in the Kenyan port of Mombasa.

The convicted men, who will be sentenced next week, were arrested earlier this year off the Somali coast.

They had maintained they were fisherman and had not held 16 crew members of an Indian ship for ransom.
The decline in piracy has also been attributed to foreign navy patrols. When the case opened in February the suspects said they were fishermen and did not know why they had been "abducted" from their fishing boat.

But Indian sailors identified the men, who were caught by the US Navy in international waters, and said they had been tortured by them.
I doubt the traditional treatment of pirates will be imposed and these scurvy knaves will not be swinging from a yardarm anytime soon.

Initial reporting on capture of these pirates here.

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