Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

ONI Shipping Threat Report (through 15 Nov) and ICC CCS Piracy Report

ONI Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report to 15 Nov reported here. ONI points to an increasing problem off Tanzania:
TANZANIA: As of 31 Oct, five incidents of merchant vessel robberies and one attempted boarding off Dar Es Salam have been reported to the IMB since Jun 2006. In 2005, seven similar incidents occurred to merchant vessels while anchored, drifting, or underway off Dar Es Salam. Perpetrators are typically armed with knives or machetes and board vessels via anchor chain or grapnel hook and rope. Based on recent incidents, boardings occur between the pilot boarding area and a line drawn through the north and south anchorages near the channel. All vessels should take heightened anti-piracy precautions when operating in this area (ONI, IMB).

And the latest ICC CCS piracy report (to 11/20) here. Highlights include 3 Indonesian sea robber atacks:
20.11.2006 0130 LT, Dumai Inner Anchorage, Indonesia.
Six robbers armed with knives boarded a bulk carrier. They attempted to overcome the shore watchman who raised alarm. Duty Officer and crew rushed to assist. When confronted by crew, robbers jumped overboard and escaped empty handed.

19.11.2006 1900 LT, 06:06.2S-106:53.3E, Tg. Priok, Indonesia.
While crew were busy involved in discharging operations, robbers armed with steel bars managed to break into two stores and steal ship's stores. Upon seeing suspicious behaviour of shoreworkers on deck, duty crew informed the Duty Officer. Alarm raised and crew alerted. It was suspected the stevedores / shoreworkers may have been involved in the theft. Local authorities informed.

16.11.2006 0335 LT, 06:42.5S - 039:39.9E, 20nm ENE from Dar es Salaam Harbour Entrance, Tanzania.
15 armed pirates in a boat approached a container ship drifting waiting for berth. One of them armed with a knife boarded at main deck between hatches one and two. Duty crew noticed the pirate and he jumped overboard and escaped in a boat. Alarm raised and crew
mustered. Vessel moved to new position about 90 nm NNE from harbour entrance. Master tried to contact Dar es Salaam signal station but no response received.

15.11.2006 0400 LT, Belawan port, Indonesia.
While berthed, about seven robbers boarded a bulk carrier via the gangway by mingling among the stevedores. They broke open store door using steel bars and stole ship's stores. Authorities contacted but no response. No injuries to crew.

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