Good Company

Good Company
Good Company

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Latest ICC CCS Piracy Report (to 12 Dec 06)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services Piracy Report (to 12 Dec 06) found here. Highlights:
10.12.2006 0630 UTC in position 14:15N - 059:44E, Arabian Sea. A grey wooden boat 15 metres long approached a general cargo ship underway under the pretext of asking for fresh water. Master suspecting piracy, increased speed and took evasive action. The boat pursued the vessel for 45 mins before abandoning chase. Master advised that he had a similar experience in the area on another ship last year.
08.12.2006 2340 LT in position 01:09N – 103:33.93E, Singapore Straits, Singapore. A number of small boats approached an oil tanker underway and attempted to board. Master took evasive action, sounded alarm and mustered crew members. After 10 minutes the boats disappeared. Master reported to Singapore authorities.
04.12.2006 1330 UTC in position 01:09.5N - 103:30.0E, off Racon Delta, Singapore Straits. A boat approached a VLCC underway eastbound at high speed. The master altered course violently to avoid the boat. Despite numerous evasive measures the boat continued to close in on the vessel. Alarm was raised, crew were on standby. Finally after 30 minutes the boat aborted attempt to board. VTIS Singapore informed.
Other incidents involving robbers boarding ships at anchor are in the report.

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