

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"Acid--Laden Truck Bombing Foiled"

Reported here:
A dump truck overturned attempting to deliver its payload of explosives and nitric acid during a foiled attack in Mushada, Iraq April 16.

A coalition patrol approached to assist the driver of an overturned dump truck and found the vehicle loaded with nitric acid containers and explosives.

The driver was taken into custody and confessed that he was paid to attack the Joint Security Station in Mushada, which also houses the town's Iraqi police station.

An explosive ordnance team was called in to assess the contents of the truck and dispose of the material. The team discovered eight containers of nitric acid, eight directional fragmentation explosives devices, and two large rounds of ordnance.

The explosives and munitions discovered will be disposed of by EOD once they are carefully removed from the site.
The driver is being held for further questioning.
More on nitric acid here. Earlier Reuters report here:
The use of nitric acid in bomb attacks could mark another shift in tactics by insurgents, who in recent months have rigged nearly a dozen truck bombs with chlorine gas, mainly in western Anbar province.
If the guy had been a better driver, the plot may not have been discovered.

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