Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Latest ICC CCS Piracy Report (to 3 April 07) and ONI Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report (to 28 Mar 07)

Latest ICC Commercial Crime Services Piracy Report found here, with action in Nigeria and in the Malacca Strait:
-01.04.2007: early hours: Nigeria.
An expatriate worker was abducted by pirates and taken ashore from a platform rig. The pirates boarded the rig via the support vessel which was secured alongside the rig at the time of the incident. The owners are in contact with the Nigerian authorities to get the worker released.

- 31.03.2007 0100 LT in position 06:14.4N - 003:14.4E, 12 nm off SW of Lagos, Nigeria.
Robbers armed with knives boarded a product tanker at anchor at forecastle Using grappling hooks. They successfully cut mooring ropes and threw them
overboard into waiting boat. Watchmen informed D/O who raised alarm and alerted crew members. Robbers jumped overboard and escaped when crew members went forward to apprehend them. The vessel weighed anchor and drifted 35 nm off port limit.

- 28.03.2007 0707 UTC in position 04:40.0N - 099:15.5E, Malacca Straits. Four pirates in a 15 metres length grey hull wooden speed boat was observed drifting across the vessel’s courseline. The boat suddenly approached a bulk carrier underway. Master raised alarm, took evasive manoeuvres, crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Pirates attempted to board the ship with ropes and long stick with steps. After 20 mins the pirates moved away.

- 29.03.2007 0200 LT in position : 03:14N - 112:58E at Bintulu general cargo anchorage, Malaysia.
Five robbers armed with knives boarded a general cargo ship. 2/O spotted them and raised alarm and crew alerted. Crew proceeded to forecastle. Robbers
threw shackles at crew but no one was injured. The robbers stole ship's stores and escaped in their boat. Port control was informed and a patrol boat arrived 2 hrs later and conducted an investigation.
Latest ONI WWTS report here. Highlights:
1. SUDAN: Research vessel fired upon 11 Mar, at 1929 local time while underway
in position 18:29.02N – 038:19.26E, within territorial waters off the southern coast of Sudan. Fifteen men in a 12 m wooden boat armed with AK-47s approached the research ship as it was conducting surveying operations and fired upon the bridge of the ship. The ship activated SSAS, contacted Sudanese authorities, then maneuvered away from the area. No injuries to the crew (IMB).
2. SUDAN: Research vessel fired upon 12 Mar at 1305 local time while underway in
position 18:27.4N – 038:17.8E, within territorial waters off the southern coast of Sudan. Men in a wooden boat armed with AK-47s approached the research vessel, which was conductingsurvey operations, and fired upon the ship. A Sudanese Navy vessel responded and detained the suspected perpetrators. After 20 minutes the suspects were released. No injuries to crew. ONI Comment: Research vessels conducting near shore surveys are highly susceptible to opportunistic criminal behavior as well as fishermen aggressively protecting their nets (IMB,

2. INDONESIA: Tanker (AI MARU) boarded 14 Mar at 1630 local time while underway in position 01-07.29N 105-03.66E approximately 30NM east of Pulau Bintan. The tanker was approached by two speedboats with ten men. The men were dressed in camouflage and carried shot guns, rifles and daggers. One of them had on a ski mask. They boarded the tanker and tied up all crew members and blindfolded them. The master of the ship was punched several times with no serious injuries. The gunmen also damaged the ship’s radio communications equipment and took the ship’s documents, crew passports, seaman books, cash, and hand phones before
they fled in their speedboats. All crew were accounted for with no injuries. The master reported that there was not a single shot fired by the men during the incident. The ReCCAP ISC Focal Point (Singapore) advises ship-owners and masters to exercise vigilance while transiting this location (ReCAPP ISC).

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