Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Latest ICC CCS Wekly Piracy Report (to 1 May 07)

ICC Commercial Crime Services Weekly Piracy Report found here. Highlights among various boardings of ships by robbers:
29.04.2007: 0435 LT: Posn 01:05.60N - 103:28.20E, Off Karimun Island, Singapore Straits.
Four robbers boarded a chemical tanker at anchor via the poop deck by using hooks attached to a rope. Ship's crew tried to prevent them from boarding but failed. The robbers entered the engine room by breaking the engine room door lock. The robbers caught the duty wiper. They stole engine spares and escaped. Authorities informed. Indonesian coast guard informed their officers were on their way however, the coast guard boarded the ship on 29 April 2007 at 1115 LT and left at 1145 LT after conducting an investigation.
21.03.2007: 0950 LT: Posn 14:03.6N - 049:07.0E, East Coast Yemen, Gulf of Aden.
Two suspicious vessels approached a yacht underway at high speed. Alarm raised, crew mustered and activated fire hoses. Yacht increased speed and took evasive manoeuvres. Vessels aborted the attempt and moved away.

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