

Monday, June 04, 2007

Somili pirates kill hostage

Reported here:
SOMALI pirates holding a Taiwan-flagged fishing vessel have killed one of its crew members because the ship's owners were not giving in to demands for a ransom.

The pirates killed their captive on Saturday and had threatened to take the life of another if their demands were not met, said Andrew Mwangura, director of the Kenyan-based East African Seafarers Assistance Program.

The ship, Ching Fong Hwa 168, was captured in mid-May and had two Taiwanese and 14 Chinese crew members on board. It was not clear if a Taiwanese or Chinese crew member had died.

"Since they took her captive, there has been communication between the owners and the captors but it seems that the owner wasn't co-operative," Mr Mwangura said from the Kenyan port of Mombasa.

"They want a ransom and have said they'll kill another crew member if the ship owner doesn't pay."

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