

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ports: U.S. benefits

Probably telling us what we already suspect, Marine Link.com provides information on a New Study Details Economic Benefits of U.S. Seaports:
Last year, United States deep-draft seaports and seaport-related businesses generated approximately 8.4 million American jobs and added nearly $2 trillion to the economy... Martin Associates late this month completed an in-depth study into the economic impacts of coastal and Great Lakes ports, examining aspects ranging from jobs and wages to business and tax revenues. Of the 8,397,301 Americans working for ports and port-related industries in 2006, nearly 7 million were employed by firms involved in handling imports and exports, such as retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors and logistics companies.
"Compared to the last study we developed in 2000 (based upon 1999 data), these figures indicate a significant increase in the financial benefits that the port industry provides the American economy," said Dr. John C. Martin, president of Martin Associates, "This new report shows that port-related activities are contributing to the economy in record numbers."
It is not clear in my initial review of the piece that the impact of the fishing industry or pleasure boating was included in the study.

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