

Friday, September 07, 2007

Latest ICC CCS Weekly Piracy Report (to 3 Sept 07)

The ICC Commercial Crime Services Weekly Piracy Report (to 3 Sept 07) here:
9.08.2007: 0530 LT: 02:30S - 118:30E, Makassar Straits, Indonesia.
Three white, speedboats doing 17 kts, approached a bulk carrier underway, from the port and stbd side. The D/O raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle and the crew mustered. Seeing the alert crew, the pirates aborted the attempt.

28.08.2007: 1030 LT: 06:06.9N – 098:30.7E, Malacca Straits.
Ten armed pirates, in a speedboat, attempted to board a container ship underway. Due to the ship’s higher speed, the pirates could not board and gave up the chase.

27.08.2007: Night Hrs: Kingston outer anchorage, Jamaica.
Robbers boarded a general cargo ship unnoticed. They broke into containers and storerooms and stole ship’s cargo and stores. They also entered the superstructure, mess-rooms and galley and stole ship's property. Police came on board for investigations when the ship berthed.

27.07.2007: Waini river: Guyana.
Five robbers armed with guns boarded a fishing boat and robbed the crew of their catch of fish and ship’s stores. They took the crew, as hostage, to another fishing boat nearby and robbed the other boat’s crew of their catch, stores and cash. The robbers kept both the fishing boats’ crew in one boat and escaped in the other fishing boat.
More on one of the incidents here:
IN the latest piracy incident to be reported in the Malacca Strait, 10 armed men in a speedboat attempted to board a container ship underway. The ICC International Maritime Bureau's Weekly Piracy Report says the attack took place of 28 August but, thanks to the ship’s higher speed, the pirates could not board and gave up the chase. The following day an attempted boarding was reported from the Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Three white, speedboats doing 17 kts, approached a bulk carrier underway, from both sides. The duty officer raised the alarm, sounded the ship's whistle and the crew mustered. Seeing the alert crew, the pirates aborted the attempt.

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