

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Soldiers' Angels - Veterans Day Fundraiser

Thanks for visiting EagleSpeak. You might note the absence of ads on this site - not that I'm against money, but I don't much like advertising. However, here's an exception: Soldiers' Angels - Veterans Day Fundraiser

The Valour-IT laptop program provides voice activated laptops to injured young men and women who have served their country so that they can continue to communicate with family and friends despite some hurdles they may have encountered.

Now, I'm not the biggest blog and I mostly do this for my own amusement, but about 500 or 600 of you wander by each day and if each one of you would drop just $10 in the Valour-IT collection plate, it would make a difference in the lives of some young people who could use that difference. Please just hit the logo below and give what you can.

And you don't have to give to the Navy/Coast Guard team - the Army, Air Force and Marines teams are out there pitching in for this worthy cause, too.


UPDATE: You may also find it fun to head to the Valour-IT on-line auction and bid on some good stuff for a good cause here.

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