

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things to read

Things haven't quite been 24/7 around here, but they have been 17/7 for a few weeks and it's has caused me to be a little slow in posting. Things are slowing down though, so...

In any event, you might want to be reading Fred Fry International: Maritime Monday 97 a weekly contribution of all matter maritime and this week Fred highlights the United Arab Shipping Company. Fred also mentions a suit brought by a shipping company alleging that U.S. government failed, among other things, to keep a buoy in position... alleging the buoy was 25 yards from its charted position. Funny, when I was a navigator, I was taught to never trust the charted buoy positions...maybe times have changed...

Xformed has Monday Maritime Matters in which he educates us about the man behind a Navy ship's name, this time a submariner, CDR David Connole.

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