As indicated at International Ice Patrol. Picture is of water temps from Johns Hopkins.
Might be an interesting year:
Well, NASA says recent satellite images show that the allegedly endangered polar ice cap — which will melt completely one of these summers and kill off all the polar bears if we don’t slash our greedy carbon footprints and revert to the lifestyles of medieval peasants — has recovered to near normal coverage levels.
That’s what Josefino Comiso, a senior research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Branch of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, told Canada’s CBC News — the Canadian government’s version of NPR/PBS — on Feb. 12.
As far as Google’s search engine knows, Comiso’s comforting report has appeared nowhere but in Canada.
There’s even better news for polar ice-pack lovers from ice expert Gilles Langis, who says Arctic ice is now even thicker than usual in spots. A senior ice forecaster with the Canadian Ice Service in Ottawa, he’s another scientist you shouldn’t expect to see talking to Anderson Cooper on the next episode of CNN’s “Galaxy in Peril.”
Meanwhile, in other news too climatically incorrect for U.S. mainstream media to touch, California meteorologist Anthony Watts says January 2008 was the planet’s second-coldest January in 15 years.
Even more shocking, the average temperature of Earth dropped significantly from January 2007 to January 2008. As Watts explains on his Web site wattsupwiththat.wordpress.com, he determined the lower figure by crunching data from four major public and private global tracking sources.
Some history here, too.
Good hunting.
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