

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day after a Holiday Monday Reading

Xformed shares a Memorial Day thought about a fine mentor.

Fred Fry has Maritime Monday 112 up here, with a look at Intermarine, and several hours of post holiday "can't quite get back in the the groove" links to make look like you're really busy.

Galrahn discusses the Navy's tactical/operational approach here

Lex finds the CJCS echoing Napoleon's "A general-in-chief has no right to shelter his mistakes in war under cover of his sovereign, or of a minister, when these are both distant from the scene of operation, and must consequently be either ill informed or wholly ignorant of the actual state of things.
Hence it follows, that every general is culpable who undertakes the execution of a plan which he considers faulty. It is his duty to represent his reasons, to insist upon a change of plan--in short, to give in his resignation rather than allow himself to be made the instrument of his army's ruin. Every general-in-chief who fights a battle in consequence of superior orders, with the certainty of losing it, is equally blamable."

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