Crewmen on an arms-laden Ukrainian cargo ship hijacked 10 weeks ago tried to overpower their Somali captors, the pirates said Tuesday, as international efforts to stem piracy intensified.Time for the message to the pirates: "All crewmen alive or all pirates dead!"
"Some crew members on the Ukrainian ship are misbehaving. They tried to harm two of our gunmen late Monday," said a spokesman for the pirates aboard the MV Faina, held off the coast of Somalia since it was hijacked on September 25.
"This is unacceptable, they risk serious punitive measures. Somalis know how to live and how to die at the same time, but the Ukrainians' attempt to take violent action is misguided," said the spokesman, who declined to give his name.
UPDATE: As Tom notes in the comments, it's a bogus tale:
"In reality, the following happened: Yesterday evening, two pirates who headed for the shore on a boat were seized and detained by the Americans. The pirates called intermediaries and the ship owner and asked them to speak to the Americans to ask for the release of their seized accomplices, but were told it is impossible," Mikhail Voitenko from Sovfracht Maritime Bulletin said.Gosh, if you can't trust pirates, who can you trust?
"So the pirates launched the canard about a mutiny. Something like a threat," Voitenko told Ukraine's Unian news agency, citing the Faina's owner.
Headline updated
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