On the other hand, when lying on the couch trying to infect the rest of my family with my cold, I go to thinking about the best movies that concern the U.S. Navy. (that means, yes, Das Boot is not on this list). Then I decided that this "best of" list had to only have 5 movies on it - movies I would watch and have watched several times.
So, here's my list, in no particular order:

1) In Harm's Way. Except for the subplot involving Kirk Douglas's rape of a young nurse, an excellent movie. Patrick Oneal should not be missed as the smarmy PR hack/spy for the admiral our hero Radm Torrey has been ordered in to work around. Later when Torrey saves that admiral some "face" it's a great moment in staff political warfare, which, in case you don't know is a big part of real warfare. Burgess Meredith is excellent as a reserve intel officer.
2) The Caine Mutiny. Remarkable movie, Fred McMurray really could act despite the roles he got later in life. Bogart is great as a mentally worn-out skipper whose wardroom fails him on

4) Operation Petticoat. The other Cary Grant submarine movie - this time a comedy - and a pretty good one. Tony Curtis is great as the officer assigned to get spare parts "no questions asked" which was, back in the day (and perhaps today), a valuable skill set. Was there really a pink submarine in the Navy? Well, according to this site . . .
5) Mr. Roberts. On a ship traveling between "from Tedium to Apathy and back again, with an occasional side trip to Monotony." Once ag

Okay, that's my five.
Weigh in with your own.
UPDATE: Movies involving the "Kingsbury Thrust Bearing" or "110 Volts -Deadly Shipmate" were considered, but . . .
Where is Final Countdown in the mix?