

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Somali Pirates: Yemeni Navy reportedly deters pirate attack

A press release from Gulf of Aden Group Transits:

Pirate attack on chemical tanker foiled by Yemen Navy escort vessel.

Gulf of Aden Group Transits Ltd. (GoAGT) provides armed escort patrol boats via the Yemen Navy for merchant vessels transiting the Gulf of Aden piracy hotspot.

At 2000UTC on 24 June 2009, approximately 50 miles south west of Aden, a GoAGT sourced Yemen Navy 37.5m Fast Patrol Boat fired warning shots from its Bofor guns on a suspected pirate skiff approaching an escorted chemical tanker at speed. The skiff had no lights visible and ignored repeated requests to turn away.

The suspect skiff retreated immediately upon engagement and was soon lost from radar.

Nick Davis, spokesperson for GoAGT commented:

“Once again the Yemen Navy has demonstrated a forthright and positive approach to protecting commercial vessels from acts of piracy. We are immensely impressed by their consistent and unquestionable commitment to protecting vessels as they passage along the Yemen coastline.”

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