Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Reading

Why, of course, it's the middle of week, a perfect time to catch up with Fred Fry's Maritime Monday 181 in which Fred has some lighthouse photos and a million links of a maritime bent. Go thither.

Intelligence "estimate" fun. I guess the Iranians have been working really really hard since the election. Or something. I hate to think the intel community would "cook the books" or something for political reasons. A look at divided intelligence assessments:
Unfortunately, the lack of an intelligence consensus on Iran will make it more difficult for the west to choose a course of action. It is rather telling that French President Sarkozy has been much more forceful on the issue that President Obama. He clearly understands that Iran will soon have a nuclear bomb--and perhaps much sooner than anyone realizes. Meanwhile, Mr. Obama has (apparently) put his hopes in the power of diplomacy and a largely discredited NIE. From his perspective, we still have time to talk to Tehran and achieve some sort of solution, or cobble together "tougher" sanctions that everyone can support.

Hmmm. Playing At Being President? I think the author underestimates the role of priorities involved.

Bill does some bragging, poses a test and adds a challenging visual distraction to the mix.

Maggie goes to Newport.

Best Polanksi commentary. Don't plead guilty if you can't do the time... Anyone remember Dylan's Lonsome Death of Hattie Carroll?

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