Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Changing the Look

Some site modifications are on-going.

My plan is that the picture under the blog title will change on occasion.

The current picture and the one over there by "My Profile" are the work of McClelland Barclay and you can view more at the Navy Art Center.

The comment counter thingie is still not working right, though comments are working.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

UPDATE: Apparently the new format has now put comments back to Blogger but I've now lost those from IntenseDebate. Working on it.


  1. Like the new background...

  2. D. E. Reddick10:59 PM


    The columnar presentation of text and imagery in your new format is rather narrow on my 1280 by 1024 display setting. A quarter to a third of my display width is absent of content except for the background image. So, your content is narrowed down horizontally and greatly stretched out vertically (as compared to your previous format).

    Perhaps some other readers might comment upon their perceptions of your present format.

  3. Herbal10:51 AM

    I like the new look, Eagle1. I know how painful it can be to get site changes just right. Best of luck.

  4. I am a regular reader: I like the change. We are organized similarily at the CAP CTWG PAO blog, www.AlwaysVigilant.blogspot

    It worked out well for us to maximize contrast and retain as much "white space" as possible. This tends to focus the reader on the message and makes reading faster.

  5. Thought I would drop by, and say how much I enjoyed MidRats today. Will try and phone innexttime you have open lines.
