

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Somalia: Hotel Suicide Attack Kills 32, Incuding 6 Somali Parliment Members

Reported by the BBC:
Somali gunmen have stormed a hotel close to the presidential palace and killed six MPs on the second day of an Islamist offensive.

The deputy prime minister told the BBC that at least 32 people had been killed in the attack.

The BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in Mogadishu says the men were disguised as government soldiers.

They approached the Muna hotel, opened fire on a guard, then one of them blew himself up inside the building.
Al-Shabab began its offensive on Monday soon after its spokesman said the group was declaring a "massive war" on the AU force, describing its 6,000 peacekeepers as "invaders".
The group said it carried out last month's deadly twin bombings in Uganda's capital during the football World Cup final.
Such nice, peaceful people.

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