

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Somali Pirates: Death Sentence

BBC reports "Pirate ringleader faces execution in Somalia":
A pirate ringleader has been sentenced to death by a court in the breakaway Somali state of Puntland.

Salah Mohamed Gelle faces execution for murdering Sayid Jacfar, the Pakistani skipper of hijacked cargo ship the MV QSM Dubai, in early June.

Seven other pirates who took part in the assault were sentenced to jail terms of between 10 and 17 years.

Some were also ordered to pay fines of about $2,000 (£1,260) by the court in Bossasso, Puntland's business capital.

"Salah Mohamed Gelle, the first defendant was found guilty of killing the captain Sayid Jacfar and therefore was sentenced to execution," said Mohamed Yusuf, the presiding judge, according to AFP news agency.
It appears it's the murder, not the piracy, that brings the penalty.

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