Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Piracy Update 7 October 2010

From the NATO Shipping Center:
As the monsoon continues to abate in northeast and southwest Somali Basin and the Arabian Sea, the risk of pirate attacks on merchant vessels also increases. Temporarily poor weather, particularly along the central Somali Coast will continue to constrain pirates’ activities in the short term.

In the northeast Somali Basin it is likely that at least one pirated dhow is active in the shipping lanes as evidenced by the reported approach of a suspect skiff on the MV ZIM ATLANTIC approximately 200nm north east of Socotra Island on 05 Oct. To the east, reporting indicates that a pirate mother ship is operating within an area of 200nm radius from 06 degrees 50 minutes north and 65 degrees 00 minutes east. We assess that this vessel is probably the FV TAI YAUN 227, which is under the control of pirates.

To the south, it appears likely that another Taiwanese fishing vessel, the FENG GUO NO. 168 was pirated when located 15°49 south, 055°23 east, approx 60nm east of Tromelin Island in the Indian Ocean. This incident is the most southerly incident of probable Somali piracy noted so far. FV FENG GUO NO. 168 has a white hull with the number BJ 4645 at the mid-ship position. All vessels are advised to keep clear of this vessel and to report sightings of this vessel immediately. Masters should note that the FV TAI YUAN 227 is also a white hulled fishing vessel, approximately 50 metres long, with the registration numbers BH3Z87 painted in large black letters on the hull.
From the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence Worldwide Threat to Shipping (WTS) Report (to 30 Sept 10) :
1. (U) HAITI: Roll-on/roll-off ship boarded 16 Sep 10 at 2355 local time while in position18:34.1N ñ 072:31.5W at anchorage Port au Prince. Duty watch saw one robber armed withknife on the aft deck and raised the alarm. The robber jumped overboard, swam to a waitingboat, and escaped. He stole the ship stores. (IMB)
1. (U) COLOMBIA: Bulk carrier robbed 6 Sep 10 at 0300 local time while anchored inposition 03:51N ñ 077:06W, Buenaventura anchorage. Three robbers armed with longknives boarded the vessel during heavy rain. They attacked and tied up the forwardwatchman. When the officer of the watch received no response, he dispatched the aftwatchman to investigate. Upon seeing the crewmemberís discovery, the robbers jumpedoverboard and escaped with shipís stores. The incident was reported to the coast guard whoarrived 30 minutes later. (IMB)
2. (U) PERU: General cargo ship boarded 5 Sep 10 at 0140 local time while anchored inposition 12:01.7S ñ 077:11.7W, Callao anchorage. Two robbers armed with long knivesboarded the vessel at anchor. The duty crew spotted them, raised the alarm, and the crewmustered. The robbers jumped overboard and escaped. (IMB)
1. (U) ROMANIA: River vessel (ZVEZDNYY) robbed 23 Sep 10 at 1800 local time whilewaiting at Agigea locks near Constantza port. The vessel was waiting for registration by direction of the Harbor Master. While berthed, a number of cars drove up to the vesseland people started unloading cargo from the vessel, three holds of scrap iron, two holdsof grain. The captain unsuccessfully tried to stop the unloading. He took the ship outand the robbers jumped into the water. Approximately five tons of scrap was removed.The crew later recovered two tons off the pier. The crew called the police who allegedly refused to take up the case. (MaRisk)
1. (U) MALTA: Refrigerated fishing vessel (BENGHAZI II) boarded and commandeered 17Sep 10 while underway approximately 20NM east of Malta. 16 illegal immigrants ofEgyptian nationality boarded took control of the vessel and locked the captain and two crewmembers in the engine room. The crew sent a distress signal, and the Malta Maritime Squadron's Rapid Deployment Team arrived 20 minutes later. They convinced theimmigrants to give up control of the vessel. (LM, Times of Malta)
1. (U) NIGERIA: A vessel reported being attacked 22 Sep 10 in the early morning in the Addaxoil field. The crew repelled the attack and the men departed the area without boarding. (ONI)
2. (U) NIGERIA: Anchor-handling tug (BOURBON ALEXANDRE) boarded, crewmembers kidnapped 22 Sep 10 in the early morning in the Addax oil field. Three crewmembers werekidnapped before the robbers departed. The remaining 13 crewmembers were unharmed.The kidnapped crew are reported to have been taken to shore, along with the one kidnappedmember of JASCON 30 (see article below). (AP)
3. (U) NIGERIA: Pipe layer (JASCON 30) boarded, crewmember kidnapped 22 Sep 10 at 0236UTC while under tow by another vessel in the Addax oil field. About 21 armed men in threeboats boarded a pipe layer crane vessel undertow. All crew locked themselves inaccommodations. Robbers were able to take one crewmember as hostage. Master calledNigerian naval vessel in vicinity. Before escaping, the robbers kidnapped one Thaicrewmember and released the rest of the crew. The kidnapped crew member is likely beingheld with the three French citizens kidnapped from BOURBON ALEXANDRE (see article above) (IMB, Tradewinds)
4. (U) CAMEROON: Cargo ship robbed 19 Sep 10 at 0430 local time while at anchor in Douala. Two robbers armed with knives in a boat boarded a berthed general cargo ship during heavy rain. They opened the locked mast house but were noticed by duty watch. The robbers escaped with the ship stores. (IMB)
5. (U) CAMEROON: Dredger (AMERIGO VESPUCI) robbed 12 Sep 10 at 2130 local time while at anchor in position 03:53N ñ 009:32E in port Douala. About 12 robbers armed withmachine guns in two speed boats boarded a general cargo ship at anchor. They took hostage four crew members and damaged shipís equipment. The crew contacted local authorities. The robbers left before the authorities arrived. A company spokesman said he had no news regarding the demands of the gang, such as whether it was seeking a ransom for the two
hostages. (IMB, Reuters)
6. (U) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Vessel robbed 4 Sep 10 at 0130 local time while underway in position 05:51.9S ñ 013:03E, 1NM southeast of Boma anchorage. Three robbers armed with long knives boarded the vessel. The duty officer noticed and raised the alarm, but the robbers managed to steal shipís stores and escape. (IMB)
7. (U) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: Product tanker robber 31 Aug 10 at 0110 UTC while at anchorage in position 05:52.4S ñ 013:01.9E, approximately 2NM west of Boma. Three robbers armed with knives boarded a product tanker at anchor. They stole ships stores and escaped. (IMB)
1. (U) RED SEA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 11 Sep 10 at 1212 UTC while underway in position 12:54.0N ñ 043:10.7E, in the Bab al Mandeb. Four skiffs with two to three peoples in each skiff chased and approached a container ship underway at high speed. Ladders were seen in two skiffs as they approached the vessel. Master increased speed, altered course, contacted warships, and informed ships in the vicinity. Master continued with the evasive maneuvers, and after five minutes the skiffs ended their chase and moved away.
1. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Container ship reported suspicious approach 29 Sep 10 at 0455 UTC while underway in position 06:47.5N ñ 061:51.0E, approximately 650NM east of Garacad, Somalia. Five men on one skiff with AK-47s and hook ladders approached from stern. Master altered course and sounded security signal, and crew mustered and locked all access doors. Security team onboard activated LRAD and SSAS and fired warning shots when the skiff approached around 100 meters off port quarter. After 10 minutes, pirates aborted attack. (IMB)
2. (U) TANZANIA: Asphalt tanker (ASPHALT VENTURE) hijacked 29 Sep 10 at 0058 UTC while underway in position 07:09S - 040:59E, approximately 100NM southeast of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Currently, the vessel is transiting north, reportedly toward Harardheere on the central Somali coast. (LL, Mathaba).
3. (U) TANZANIA: Chemical tanker (MISSISSIPPI STAR) fired upon 28 Sep 10 at 0747 UTC while underway in position 06:28S, 039:48E, approximately 40NM northeast of Dar es Salaam. Five pirates armed with M16s and RPG on a speedboat approached along the starboard side at the main deck. The crew observed aluminum hook ladders. Pirates fired at crew and superstructure. Crew activated fire pumps, foam monitors, and fire hoses. After 30 minutes, the pirates aborted their attack after 30 minutes. A helicopter arrived on location to
assist the vessel. (IMB)
4. (U) TANZANIA: Research vessel fired upon 26 Sep 10 at 2050 UTC while underway in position 06:54S,  040:27E, approximately 80NM east of Dar es Salaam. Two to three skiffs opened fire. The pirates aborted attack after vessel returned fire. No injuries reported. (UKMTO, TW)
5. (U) TANZANIA: Tanzanian Navy patrol boat fired upon 25 Sep 10 at 2000 UTC while underway in position 09:34S - 040:14E, approximately 175NM southeast of Dar es Salaam. One skiff with four pirates onboard armed with small arms and RPG approached and fired upon the vessel, attempting to hit the rudder. Patrol boat fired back and skiff retreated. Two personnel on patrol boat were injured. Due to small size of skiff, captain believes a mother ship may be operating in the vicinity. Patrol boat attempted to chase the pirates but could not because the rudder was blown out. (UKMTO)
6. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: General cargo vessel (LUGELA) reported illegal boarding 25 Sep 10 at 0300 UTC while underway in position 07:23N - 064:49E, approximately 930NM east of Garacad, Somalia. The pirates boarded the vessel but never gained control. The crew disabled the ship's engine and locked themselves in the engine room. When the pirates could not sail the ship, they damaged the shipís equipment, set the bridge on fire, and abandoned the ship.
Later, the crew emerged from the citadel and extinguished the fire and continued en route their next port. (IMB, Reuters)
7. (U) BANGLADESH: General cargo ship (BM ADVENTURE) robbed 24 Sep 10 at 2210 local time while at anchorage in Chittagong at position 22:10.9N -091:40.7E. Four robbers in one boat boarded a ship from astern during anchoring operations. Duty watchman noticed them and raised alarm. The robbers threatened the watchman with long knives and escaped with shipís stores after seeing crewís alertness. (IMB, MaRisk)
8. (U) BANGLADESH: Container ship robbed 12 Sep 10 at 2300 local time while at anchorage in Chittagong at position 22:09.45N - 091:45.0E. Counter-piracy watch on board an anchored container ship reported three robbers armed with long knives to watch officer. The robbers approached the crew and threatened him. The watch officer raised alarm and alerted crew. Robbers escaped with ship stores. Incident was reported to the coast guard who boarded the vessel for investigation. (IMB)
9. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Container ship (MAGELLAN STAR) boarded 8 Sep 10 at 0540 UTC while underway in position 13:23N - 049:58E, approximately 83NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed pirates in a skiff boarded and attempted to hijack the vessel. The crew locked themselves in a safe room and requested assistance. The vessel was freed the following day when US Marines boarded the vessel and arrested the suspected pirates. (IMB, LM: New York Times)
10. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (OLIB G) hijacked 8 Sep 10 at 0504 UTC while underway in position 13:26N - 049:45E, approximately 73NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Armed pirates boarded and hijacked the vessel along with 18 crewmembers while underway. (IMB, AP)
11. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker reported suspicious approach 6 Sep 10 at 0702 UTC while underway in position 13:32N - 049:39.7E, approximately 65NM southeast of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Master reported six armed men in a skiff attempted to board the vessel as they were transiting under naval convoy. The master conducted counter-piracy measures and reported to coalition forces. The skiff aborted the pursuit as a coalition helicopter approached. The skiff was later boarded by coalition forces for investigation. (IMB)
12. (U) BANGLADESH: General cargo ship robbed 4 Sep 10 at 0001 local time while anchored at Chittagong anchorage. About 25 robbers armed with knives approached the vessel in two boats. As they boarded the vessel, they continuously threw stones at the crew. The robbers stole shipís stores and escaped. The master reported to port control and the coast guard who
indicated that help would arrive. (IMB)
J. (U) INDONESIA: Tug boarded and barge robbed 30 Sep 10 at 0730 local time while tug was towing barge in position 00:53.02S -104:18.46E, approximately 50NM east of Kualatungkal. Twelve men with knives boarded a tug towing a barge. Crew enforced counter-piracy measures and contacted owners. Owners contacted IMB Piracy Reporting Center and requested assistance. The Center immediately contacted authorities and relayed the tug's request for assistance. When pirates could not enter accommodation, they disembarked and boarded the barge. Pirates stole the ship's store and equipment and lowered them into the boat. A naval patrol craft contacted the tug and arrived at the location. (IMB)
K. (U) VIETNAM: Container ship robbed 18 Sep 10 at 0430 local time while anchored at position 20:38.6N - 106:52.3E, in Haiphong Roads, Vietnam. About 20 armed robbers boarded a container ship at anchor. Duty watch noticed the robbers on the forecastle deck and informed the duty officer who instructed him to secure all access points around the accommodation. They raised the alarm and mustered the crew. The robbers escaped with the ship stores. (IMB)
L. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: Vehicle carrier (CHEERLEADER) boarded 10 Sep 10 at 2320 local time while underway in position 01:55.0N - 109:05.0E, approximately 10NM southwest of Pulau Merundung, Indonesia. About eight robbers armed with long knives boarded a vehicle carrier underway. The men tied up master and some crew members. They stole ship's cash and crew properties before escaping. None of the crew was injured. (IMB, FP)
M. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker reported attempted boarding 9 Sep 10 at 2110 local time while underway at position 02:00.53N - 109:04.39E, approximately 4NM southwest of Pulau Merundung, Indonesia. While on counter-piracy watch, crew onboard a tanker underway noticed a hook hanging from the poop deck railing with one pirate armed with a knife attempting to board the vessel. Crew informed bridge, raised alarm, and mustered rest of crew. Pirates escaped in their waiting booth with remaining accomplices. There was no injury to the crew and nothing was stolen. (IMB)
N. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: Container ship reported suspicious approach 5 Sep 10 at 1940 local time while underway in position 06:07.7N - 112:26.4E, approximately 11NM north of Friendship Shoal reef. The master noticed two speed boats with four to five persons onboard approaching at high speed from both sides of the vessel. He switched on deck and over side lights, raised the alarm, mustered the crew, and conducted evasive maneuvering. Upon seeing razor wire around the vessel, the men in the speed boats ended their pursuit. (IMB)
O. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 5 Sep 10 at 0305 local time while underway in position 03:14.2N - 105:17.2E, approximately 19NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Four men armed with long knives boarded the vessel underway. They took the duty watch crew hostage and proceeded to the masterís cabin where they stole cash before escaping. A distress message was sent out by the vessel. (IMB)
P. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: Vessel boarded 1 Sep 10 at 2201 local time while underway in position 03:08.9N -105:25.2E, approximately 11NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Prior to entering high risk area, the crew had locked all access to accommodation and bridge. Upon seeing robbers onboard the vessel, the officer of the watch raised the alarmand all crew mustered on the bridge. Upon seeing the crew's alertness, the robbers escaped without stealing anything. (IMB)
Q. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: Tanker robbed 1 Sep 10 at 0100 UTC while underway in position 03:14.3N -105:19.6E, approximately 15NM northwest of Pulau Mangkai, Indonesia. Six robbers with guns, knives, and steel rods boarded a tanker underway. They entered the bridge and took hostage three crew members and tied up their hands. The robbers also took the master hostage when he opened his cabin door. Robbers stole ship's cash and the crew and shipís properties before escaping. (IMB)
R. (U) INDONESIA: Vessel robbed 31 Aug 10 at 0300 UTC at position 03:13S - 116:23E, at anchorage at Tanjung Pemancingan, Indonesia. While at anchor, alarm for forecastle watertight doors was activated indicating that they had been opened. Investigation revealed forecastle store door was broken open and shipsí stores and properties stolen. The whole incident was unnoticed. (IMB)


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    This is a great article, with comprehensive list of the attacks in the last month. I was through the Gulf of Aden last year on a ship
    and although we were not attacked others were.
    I have also experienced piracy first had as C/O on a cargo ship in Nigeria in the 1980s.

  2. Is this correct?

    "3. (U) TANZANIA: Chemical tanker (MISSISSIPPI STAR) fired upon 28 Sep 10 at 0747 UTC while underway in position 06:28S, 039:48E, approximately 40NM northeast of Dar es Salaam. Five pirates armed with M16s and RPG on a speedboat approached along the starboard side at the main deck. The crew observed aluminum hook ladders. Pirates fired at crew and superstructure. Crew activated fire pumps, foam monitors, and fire hoses. After 30 minutes, the pirates aborted their attack after 30 minutes. A helicopter arrived on location to
    assist the vessel. (IMB)"
