Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Friday, October 08, 2010

UPDATE: Never Mind - Somali Pirates DID NOT Hijack a Fishing Boat Off Madagascar

 Update: Never mind, MSC(HOA) says here:
The Taiwanese fishing vessel FENG GUO that had been reported by her owner as being pirated on 7 October 2010 is confirmed to be free from pirates this afternoon.
The false report had been sent after the owner having been without contact with the ship for two days.
EU NAVFOR welcomes this information which means that the fourteen crewmembers of the FENG GUO are safe.
Somali pirates are currently holding 17 ships with 369 hostages.
My apologies for repeating misinformation from usually reliable sources.

Original post:
From ONI's Piracy Analysis and Warning Weekly (PAWW) Report (Horn of Africa) for 30 Sep –06 Oct 2010
1.  (U) Vessels Hijacked
1.(U) INDIAN OCEAN: Fishing Vessel (FENG GUO NO. 168) likely hijacked 06 Oct 10 while underway approximately 270NM east of Madagascar. The vessel departed Port Lewis, Mauritius on 1 Oct and transited northwest. The company reported that they lost contact with the vessel 5 Oct. The vessel was last located at 0818 UTC on 7 Oct in position 13:22.2S – 053:32.2E, approximately 230NM east of Madagascar. Currently, the vessel is transiting northwest at a reduced speed of 7 knots due to engine trouble. (IMB)


  1. She has the right size of a mother ship for the skiffs.

  2. Do you think the pirates are
    shopping" for mother ships?

  3. the graphic from navoceno says it all. green means go.

  4. It’s just a hunch. The pirates did capture fishing boats in the past years to use as mother ship. Our naval forces are concentrating their counter piracy efforts almost on the shores these days. This means the pirates will have some kind of freedom to act on the high seas. An ocean capable fishing boat would be a perfect home for extended attacks.
