

Friday, January 28, 2011

Somali Pirates: NATO Shipping Center Alert 28 Jan 2011

NATO Shipping Centre (NSC):
Alert Update 1033 UTC 28 Jan 11
2 dhows reported, one in position 1127N 06348E at 1033 UTC (observed involved in attack on MV NEW YORK STAR) and the 2nd in position 1119N 06337E at 1033 UTC with 2 skiffs onboard; other tripwires also observed.

ALY ZOULFECAR based on previous mothership activities, it is highly likely that the previously pirated ALY ZOULFECAR remains under the control of pirates and is carrying out mothership activities in the East African shipping lanes between Tanzania and Mozambique.

BELUGA NOMINATION has been pirated north of the Seychelles and is now headed to the Somali coast.

JIN CHUN TSAI 68, GOLDEN WAVE (also known as GEUMMI 305) and one of the PRANTLAYs have left the anchorage and are assessed to be used by pirates in mothership operations; no positions at this time
A week's worth of alerts:
Regarding all of the following warnings: Vessels are advised to use EXTREME CAUTION when navigating within 100NM of the positions in these warnings and maintain maximum CPA to all vessels acting suspiciously.

Alert Number 67/2011
January 28, 2011
Latitude: 11°14N Longitude: 063°28E
At 1041 UTC 28 Jan 2011 a merchant vessel currently under attack by pirates in the above mentioned position.
The pirate group is still in the area.
January 26, 2011
Latitude: 11°14N Longitude: 062°50E
Alert number 066 / 2011.
At 0630 UTC / 26 JAN / a merchant vessel was attacked by 2 skiffs and 1 fishing dhow acting as mothership. The vessel was fired upon by small arms.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
January 25, 2011
Latitude: 01°45S Longitude: 051°00E
Alert number 065 / 2011.
Reference previous Alert number 064 / 2011.
On the 22nd of January at 1236 UTC a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 1 skiffs] in position 01 49N 056 35E. Weapons were fired upon the vessel. The Vessel was boarded by pirates.
The position of the hijacked vessel is 01°45S 051°00E on the 25th of January at 1700 UTC.
***This vessel has been hijacked*** {Eagle1 note: Ship is Beluga Nomination - see here}
January 22, 2011
Latitude: 01 49N Longitude: 056 35E
Alert Number: 064/2011
At 1236 UTC, 22 Jan 11, a merchant ship vessel was reported under attack by 1 (one) skiff. Weapons were fired upon the vessel. The Pirate Action Group (PAG) is still in the area.
January 22, 2011
Latitude: 09 54N Longitude: 052 56E
Alert Number: 063/2011
A Pirate Action Group (PAG) consisting of the previously pirated MV BLIDA is reported on course 049, speed 8.6 kts. The pirates in control of this vessel are conducting mothership operations.
MV New York Star photo by Marcel & Ruud Coster from Shipspotting.com and used iaw the terms of that site.

1 comment:

  1. As if the piracy situation wasn't enough the situation in Suez has deteriorated significantly over the last few hours. Bets are off as to whether the Canal will still be open in the next 24 hours. No contact with the SCA as all web activity in Egypt blocked. Any live news from those at sea?
