Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Somali Pirates: 10 Feb NATO Warning Areas

Piracy Warning and Alerts:
February 10, 2011
Latitude: 12°51N Longitude: 043°15E
Alert number 089 / 2011.
Reference previous Alert number 088 / 2011.
At 0510 UTC 10 FEB a merchant vessel was reported under attack by 5 skiffs in position 12°51 N 043°15 E.
Skiffs had 5-6 POB, weapons and ladder partially hidden under green canvas.
***This vessel managed to evade hijack***
The Pirate action group is still in the area.
February 10, 2011
Latitude: 12°51N Longitude: 043°15E
Alert number 088 / 2011.
At 0510 UTC / 10 FEB / a merchant vessel is currently under attack by 4 skiffs in position 12°51 N 043°15 E.
Small arms sighted in skiffs. Skiffs still in pursuit.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Why not station some Q-ships out there?

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    So, the US Navy wants to use LCS Littoral Combat Ships to take care of the shallow waters in this World ?

    Well, notice that Pirates are operating in deep waters, not in the Littorals. So why buy LCS with a shallow draft ? Which is only about 40 percent less draft than a full sized frigate.

    So, let's rename LCS as DW CS: Deep Water Combat Ship ?
