

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Fearless Navy Bloggers Take to the Air: Episode 66 Donald Rumsfeld Bing West 04/10 on Midrats Blog Talk Radio

Sunday afternoon, 5pm Eastern U.S. - join us as we chat with some very experienced guests in Episode 66 Donald Rumsfeld Bing West 04/10 by Midrats | Blog Talk Radio:
For anyone interested in history, politics, or national security - there are two books that should be on your short list for 2011. Both authors will be on Midrats this Sunday.
Bing West

Donald Rumsfeld
Join Sal from "CDR Salamander" and EagleOne from "EagleSpeak" with their guests; former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to discuss his book Known & Unknown: A Memoir for the first half hour, and then author Bing West to discuss his latest book, The Wrong War: Grit, Strategy, and the Way Out of Afghanistan.
UPDATE: BlogTalkRadio has eliminated the "download" feature for all of its shows, including Midrats. If you want to download our shows, they are on iTunes. Log onto iTunes (which, if you don't have it already, is a free download), go to the iTunes store and search for "Midrats" - a screen will appear with a short list. Click on "See All" and all 66 shows will appear. Click on the "Free" tag to the right and the show you've chosen will be downloaded into your iTunes library. You can play it there or drag the show to your desktop or into your mp3 player (or whatever) for listening later. Of course, you can always listen to it in iTunes.

You can also subscribe to the show on iTunes and future shows will be automatically downloaded to your podcast library for you.


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