

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Somali Pirate: Finns Take Out Pirate Dhow (in an environmentally friendly way)

Former Pirate Dhow
Reported by EUNAVFOR here:
On the afternoon of 9 April, the EU NAVFOR Finnish warship FNS POHJANMAA destroyed a dhow-typed vessel used by a suspected Pirate Action Group (PAG) to prevent it being used in any future attacks. FNS POHJANMAA disrupted the suspected PAG on Wednesday 6 April (link) and took the dhow in-tow pending further investigation. 18 suspected pirates were detained during this action.

FNS Pohjanmaa keeps fire watch
Before destroying the Dhow, some of the material considered relevant as evidence in a possible future prosecution was transferred to FNS POHJANMAA. Any material considered to be possibly dangerous to the environment was also removed. This material will be handed over for recycling at the earliest opportunity.

The 18 suspected pirates are currently detained onboard FNS POHJANMAA. Legal negotiations regarding a possible prosecution are currently on-going.

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