Flight Deck Ops

Flight Deck Ops

Friday, August 05, 2011

Sunday on Midrats: Gas Shale and National Security

Energy independence and energy security are not just buzzwords. From the car you drive to the food you eat and the heat that makes winters livable and power that makes summers productive to our urban culture; energy and power are what makes our civilization possible.

If you don't have secure energy, you do not have a secure nation. The areas of the world that have the greatest energy supplies are neither stable or natural friends of our Western Democracy.  That is a problem, and explains why most of our wars have been fought where they have been.

Is new technology helping to change the national security equation?

To discuss for the full hour will be Amy Myers Jaffe, the Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies, director of the Energy Forum at the Baker Institute, author, and associate director of the Rice Energy Program at Rice University.

Ms. Jaffe is one of the authors of the paper, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, from the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University, “SHALE GAS AND U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY”  linked to in this earlier post Shale Gas and U.S. National Security and has studied this area extensively.

Please join us for what should be an interesting conversation. Sunday, 5pm Eastern or, if you can't make it, the show will be available for download from  BlogTalkRadio or iTunes. You can join us live by clicking here

1 comment:

  1. Tom Goering11:10 PM

    We'll be on the road the next two weekends and won't be able to listen live - I will look forward to the archived version.
