A quick walk around the world thanks to
the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence:
A. (U) NORTH AMERICA: No current incidents to report.
B. (U) CENTRAL AMERICA/CARIBBEAN: No current incidents to report.
1. (U) ECUADOR: A chemical tanker was robbed 19 August at 0155 LT while anchored in Esmeraldas anchorage. Duty watchman noticed three robbers on the forecastle deck. One of the robbers threatened the watchman with a long knife. The watchman informed the duty officer on the bridge, who then raised the alarm. After the crew was alerted the robbers escaped with ship stores. (IMB)
2. (U) COLOMBIA: A chemical tanker experienced an attempted boarding 4 August at 0750 UTC while at anchor in position 10:19N / 075:31W, in Mamonal Inner Anchorage. Six robbers in a wooden speed boat attempted to board an anchored chemical tanker via the anchor chain. Alert duty seaman noticed the robbers, raised the alarm, and flashed lights on them. Upon seeing crew alertness, the robbers aborted the attempt and escaped. Incident was reported to the Mamonal port control who informed the coast guard. (IMB)
D. (U) ATLANTIC OCEAN AREA: No current incidents to report.
E. (U) NORTHERN EUROPE/BALTIC: No current incidents to report.
F. (U) MEDITERRANEAN/BLACK SEA: No current incidents to report.
1. (U) NIGERIA: Passenger ship (MONICA EXPRESS) was boarded 27 August at 0700 UTC while underway off the coast of Nigeria. Pirates released all 150 crew members and passengers, but took the captain hostage. The ship was transiting from Cameroon to Oron, Nigeria. Seven armed pirates boarded the vessel and demanded a monthly security tax from the captain. They seized the captain after he said it had been paid already and released him a few hours later after a ransom was paid. The pirates also robbed the passengers onboard. (Open Sources)
2. (U) BENIN: Chemical tanker (EMOCEAN) was hijacked 20 August at 2325 UTC while conducting ship-to-ship (STS) operations in position 05:38N / 002:39E, approximately 44NM southeast of Cotonou, Benin. Twelve pirates boarded, took control of the ship, and sailed to an unknown location. Owners were unable to contact the vessel. Awaiting further details. (IMB)
3. (U) NIGERIA: Unidentified gunmen exploded a bomb on 11 August at 0240 LT at the Dibi Flow Station in the Warri North area of Delta State, Nigeria. The flow station is operated by Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL). (Open Sources)
4. (U) ATLANTIC OCEAN: Container ship boarded 7 August at 0050 UTC while at anchor in position 04:45S / 011:46E in Point Noire Anchorage, Congo. Ship watchman onboard spotted four armed robbers on the main deck. He immediately informed the duty officer who raised the alarm, alerted all crew members, and informed the port control. Seeing crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in a long wooden boat with stolen ship
stores. (IMB)
1. (U) RED SEA: LPG tanker (GAS PRIDE) was fired upon by pirates on 12 August at 1406 UTC while underway in position 14:34.2N / 042:23.9E, approximately 40NM southwest of Ras Isa, Yemen. Pirates in two skiffs, one with three pirates onboard and one with four pirates onboard, approached and fired upon the vesselís superstructure area resulting in several areas damaged by bullets. The Master ordered the crew into the citadel. After
the vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers the pirates broke off the attack. (IMB, UKMTO)
2. (U) RED SEA: Bulk carrier (CARAVOS HORIZON) was boarded by six pirates on 11 August at 1115 UTC while underway in position 15:09N / 041:55E, approximately 44NM southwest of Ras Isa, Yemen. Three skiffs behind a mothership approached the bulk carrier at high speed, one from portside, one from starboard side, and one from astern. The vessel engaged in evasive maneuvers, but the pirates were able to hook a ladder on the vessel. The 24 crewmembers retreated into the citadel and the pirates left the vessel. (IMB, UKMTO)
1. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Container ship (MSC NAMIBIA II) was fired upon 23 August at 0541 UTC while underway in position 13:08N 049:11E, approximately 83NM south of Al Mukalla, Yemen. Five pirates in a white skiff fired an RPG at the vessel. The master raised the alarm, increased speed, and engaged in evasive maneuvers. The pirates aborted the attack after 20 minutes. The vessel's 27 crewmembers included two Greeks and 25 Filipinos. (IMB, Operator, UKMTO)
2. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Chemical tanker (AL BALAD) was fired upon on 21 August at 1454 UTC while underway in position 16:09N / 053:36E, approximately 58NM southwest of Salalah, Oman. Pirates in a skiff attempted to board a tanker. The Master raised the alarm, increased speed, and engaged in evasive maneuvers. The pirates then aborted the attack. A mother vessel was sighted in the vicinity. (IMB, UKMTO)
3. (U) ARABIAN SEA: Chemical tanker (FAIRCHEM BOGEY) hijacked on 20 August at 0108 UTC while anchored in position 16:54N / 054:03E at the Salalah anchorage, Oman. The pirates took all 21 Indian crewmembers hostage. (IMB, UKMTO)
4. (U) GULF OF ADEN: A general cargo ship (GRETA) was fired upon by one 12-meter white plastic skiff with five pirates onboard on 9 August at 0226 UTC while underway in position 13:08N / 048:41E, approximately 88NM southwest of Al Mukallah, Yemen. The pirates were armed with RPG and guns. The onboard security team fired warning shots, and the pirates aborted the attack. A warship in the vicinity carried out a search in the area. (IMB, UKMTO)
J. (U) PERSIAN GULF: No current incidents to report.
1. (U) SINGAPORE: Petroleum product tanker (VALIANT) was robbed 26 August at 0225 LT while underway in position 01:25N / 104:29E, approximately 38NM northeast of Singapore. Seven to nine robbers boarded the vessel and left after stealing some shipboard equipment and the crew's personal belongings. The crew was not injured. When the Singapore Police Coast Guard (PCG) arrived and boarded the vessel the robbers had already left. (ReCaap)
2. (U) INDONESIA: Tanker was robbed 27 August at 0600 UTC while anchored in position 01:27.6S / 116:48.6E, in the Lawe-Lawe anchorage, Balikpapan. Six to seven robbers with long knives in a motor boat boarded the vessel, took the duty watchman hostage and tied him up, stole shipís stores and properties, and escaped. Master received no response after attempting to contact port authorities. (IMB)
3. (U) INDONESIA: A bulk carrier was robbed 20 August at 0225 LT while berthed in position 03:47.3N / 098:42.1E in Belewan Port, Indonesia. Two robbers boarded the vessel during cargo operations. Four crewmembers on security watch and the second officer on the gangway rushed to the poop deck after hearing a loud knocking sound. The pirates pushed the second officer after he tried to stop them, threw a big heavy black bag ashore, and escaped with ship's properties. (IMB)
4. (U) INDONESIA: A chemical tanker was boarded 12 August at 0230 LT while anchored in postion 01:42.27N / 101:28.70E, 2NM off the coast of Dumai, Indonesia. Three robbers boarded the vessel via the poop deck. The alert deck crew saw the robbers and notified the duty officer, who then raised the alarm. The robbers escaped and nothing was stolen (IMB)
5. (U) MALAYSIA: A tug and barge was robbed 11 August at 1530 LT while transiting from Port Klang to Kuching, Malaysia. The crew discovered goods were stolen from containers after the tug and barge arrived at the discharge port. (IMB)
6. (U) MALAYSIA: An LPG tanker was boarded 8 August at 0200 LT while at anchor in position 01:15N /103:27E, approximately 13NM west of Singapore. Four robbers armed with long knives boarded an anchored LPG tanker. They entered the engine room, tied up the duty oiler, stole engine spares, and escaped. The oiler managed to release himself and raise the alarm. Authorities informed. (IMB)
7. (U) SOUTH CHINA SEA: A tug was robbed 6 August at 2130 LT while underway in position 02:11N / 109:15E, approximately 15NM northwest of Borneo, Indonesia. Eight robbers armed with knives boarded a tug underway. They stole ships stores and crew's personal belongings. Pirates left the ship after one hour. All crew safe. (IMB)
L. (U) NORTH ASIA: No current incidents to report.
Weather predictions related to piracy from the ONI Piracy Analysis and Warning Weekly (Horn of Africa) report:
Likelihood of Pirate Activity (Graphic courtesy of the Naval Oceanographic Office Warfighting Support Center) |
A. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Western and central portions show minimal seas ranging from 1 – 3 feet, slowly increasing as you transit east. The extreme eastern portion of the GOA still shows light to moderate sea heights (3 – 5 feet). Expect continuous winds from the west-southwest of 18 – 22 knots and higher gusts through the next 72 hours. EXTENDED FORECAST: Minimal sea heights will continue through 7 Sept throughout most of the GOA. West-southwest winds 15 – 20 knots with higher gusts will continue through 7 Sept. Based on sea heights for the forecast week, expect conditions to be conducive for small boat/piracy operations within most of the GOA through 7 Sept.
B. (U) SOMALI COAST/NORTH ARABIAN SEA: The highest sea heights (9 – 13 feet) cover a region from the north-central Somali coast west-northwest into the central Arabian Sea and near the Indian coast. Sea heights notably decrease (5 – 7 feet) within central and southern portions of the Somali Basin, as well as waters off Oman and Pakistan. Sustained southwest winds of 28 – 32 knots with higher gusts will remain over the Somali Basin through the next 72 hours. North Arabian Sea winds range from 18 – 22 knots with higher gusts from the west. EXTENDED FORECAST: Monsoonal flow continues in the Somali Basin and North Arabian Sea. Expect area sea heights to remain high off the northern Somali coast and into the Arabian Sea. Moderate sea heights will continue around Oman and Pakistan. South-southwest winds 24 – 28 knots (3 Sep/12Z) with higher gusts will continue through 7 Sept in the Somali Basin. Winds in the North Arabian Sea will continue from the west 18 – 22 knots with higher gusts through 7 Sept. Severe winds and sea heights will continue to create conditions non-conducive for small boat/piracy operations through forecast period.
C. (U) INDIAN OCEAN: Coastal waters off Kenya as well as waters south of the equator extending east into the Indian Ocean have increased sea heights and will remain moderate through the next 72 hours, with sea heights ranging from 5 – 7 feet. Coastal waters off the Tanzania coast and south to Mozambique are currently moderate. Decreasing winds in the Mozambique Channel will cause sea heights to subside by 3 Sept. EXTENDED FORECAST: Moderate sea heights off Kenya and northern Tanzania will continue through 7 Sept. Expect minimal seas in the Mozambique Channel as well as the waters around the Maldives. Based on this forecast, these regions as well as the southern portion of the Tanzania coast will prove conducive for piracy operations.
D. (U) SURFACE CURRENTS: Currents within the Somalia Basin and into the Indian Ocean are variable with most areas having average speeds of less than 2 knots. Areas of increased speeds up to 6.5 knots occur from the 2N to 10N along the Somali coast. Currents within the Gulf of Aden are variable with all areas having speeds of less than 2 knots.
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